Our client was rear-ended and had severe injuries to her back.
Defendant making a left turn, collided with our client's vehicle and our client sustained injuries to her back.
Head-on collision with our client's vehicle and our client sustained injuries to his neck.
Our client who was a pedestrian who was hit by a car and sustained serious injuries.
Defendant rear ended our client's vehicle and our client sustained injury to her back.
Our client was injured as a passenger in a vehicle and sustained serious injuries.
Our client was side swapped by a driver who ran the red light and sustained serious injury to his neck.
Our client was injured when he was rear-ended by another driver which caused significant back injuries.
Premise liability case, our client was severely injured in her apartment.
A minor was injured by a dog and sustained serious injuries.
Head-on Collision in which our client sustained injuries to his shoulder.
Client sustained back injury on a multiple car accident.
A motorcycle accident in which our client was severely injured.
Premise liability case, our client was injured after slipping in a water sprinkler in a rental house.
Rear-end collision which caused injuries to our client.
Our client was riding his bicycle in which he was hit by defendant's car and sustained injuries.
An elderly client who was struck by a vehicle as she was crossing the sidewalk.
Our client was rear ended and was a passenger in a vehicle.
A multiple car accident caused our client to sustain injuries to his back.
The other driver ran red light and hit our client's car broadside.
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was side swiped.
Our client sustained injuries as the result of bed bugs in his apartment.
Our client was rear-ended and sustained back injuries.
Client sustained injures as she was rear ended by a vehicle.