Drivers Statistics

Are you driving safe?

    Texting While Drving

  • About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives.
  • The rate of alcohol involvement in fatal crashes is more than 3 times as high at night as during the day (60 percent vs. 18 percent).
  • Among those killed or injured in these crashes, nearly 1,000 deaths and 24,000 injuries included cell phone use as the major distraction.
  • When asked whether driving feels safer, less safe, or about the same as it did five years ago, more than 1 in 3 drivers say driving feels less safe today.
  • Every minute, one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash.
  • An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before first arrest.

Teen Driving Statistics

Is your teen distracted on the road?

  • Teen DrivingBeer is the drink of choice in most cases of heavy drinking, binge drinking, drunk driving and underage drinking.
  • 52% of U.S. drivers ages 18-29 reported texting while driving at least once in the last 30 days, and more than a quarter report
    texting “regularly” while driving.
  • Kids who start drinking young are seven times more likely to be in an alcohol-related crash.
  • Car crashes are the #1 killer of teens, taking about 3,000 young lives every year.
  • Teen alcohol use kills about 6,000 people each year, more than all illegal drug deaths combined.
  • Leading experts agree that parents who get involved with their teen’s driving can help prevent a tragic crash.

Tips To Consider

  1. To those drivers under 25 years old: Act wiser when it comes to drinking and driving because you could become a deadly statistic.
  2. Parents: Try to spend at least 35 hours practicing your teen’s driving skills over a 6 month period before they’re on
    the road alone.
  3. To those drivers over 25: Be as cautious a driver as you were when you first started (and hopefully smarter).
    No matter how long you’ve been driving, an accident can happen to anyone!
  4. Parents and teens: Think twice before answering a text while driving. Accidents happen in mere seconds, so think twice before
    you pick up the phone.
  5. Having quick reactions won’t always prevent you from having an accident. Spotting and responding to problems ahead of
    time will. Drive safely wisely.

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    Hashemi Law Group
    401 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
    Santa Monica, CA 90401

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