Motorcycle Accident & Safety Tips
Getting Started.
- Train before you get your License
- Get your license.
- Getting your license ensures you are qualified to ride safely on the road. You want as many people analyzing your riding as possible. When riding a motorcycle, driver safety techniques are ten times more important than when driving a car because there is nothing protecting you from the concrete if you happen to get into an accident.
- Motorcycle Selection
- When getting your first motorcycle, no matter what your body size, you need to have the smallest bike possible. Heavy bikes are difficult to maneuver — especially for a beginner.
Motorcycle Statistics
- Motorcycle deaths increased by 78% from 2000 to 2007.
- Motorcycles only represent 3% of all registered vehicles but accounted for 13% of fatalities in 2007.
- The fatality rate for a motorcyclist and their passenger is 5.5 times higher than car occupants.
- 50% of all fatal motorcycle crashes involved collisions with another type of motor vehicle. Of those 78% were struck from the front and only 5% struck from the rear.
- The NHSTA estimates that helmets saved 1,784 motorcyclist from death in 2007 and if all motorcyclist had worn helmets, an additional 800 more lives could have been saved.
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Motorcycle Safety
Remember you don’t drive a motorcycle, you ride! It isn’t as simple as turning your steering wheel. The whole concept of riding is to be apart of the bike with your whole body.
- Be on notice! Most motorcycle accidents happen because people driving automobiles do not notice motorcycle riders. Make sure to wear as much brightly colored gear with all the bells and whistles as possible. Let your presence on the road be known.
- Be up-to-date with your bike’s maintenance. With a car you can go as much as 50,000 miles before changing your oil, but with a motorcycle the chain must be tended to every 500 miles. Keeping your bike in good running condition could be the difference between life and death.
- Where is a good place to ride in bad weather? NO WHERE. If there is rain, snow, or fog leave your bike in the garage. The risks are too high.
If You Have Been Injured In A Motorcycle Accident, You Must:
Take a deep breath and stay calm
- Check yourself for any injuries or discomfort and, if necessary, summon medical assistance immediately
- Call the police
- Do not make any statements or sign anything unless requested to do so by the police or our office
- Get the information of all parties involved, including names and addresses, license plate numbers, driver’s license information, and witness names and phone numbers
- Take as many photographs as possible of the scene
- Call our office at 1-888-551-1070
We are a Personal Injury Law Firm so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you happen to get into any personal injury situation!