The most at risk

Children under the ages of 14 and adults over the age of 65 are the most at-risk for pedestrian accidents and injuries. However, teen and adults are still not excluded as potential victims.


Based on the CDC research in 2008 one in every five children who were involved in a traffic accident were pedestrians.
One of the reasons is that children are not as noticeable as adults are; they don’t move as fast; and they do not exercise many safety rules such as looking both ways before crossing a street.
The CDC research also shows that the reason for children’s failure to use proper safety measures while walking is “walking” itself. Today, car traveling (next to the bus) is the most common mode of transportation to school.

Therefore, when a child does walk they are often unfamiliar with the ways in which to cross a street safely or use appropriate caution when traffic is present.

Adults 65 and older:

Adults over 65 tend to walk at a steady pace, and therefore are not able to react as quickly when a dangerous situation arises. This is why it is essential to plan your travels with the least crossings.
Have a planned route and be aware of your surroundings.

Read more….

Walking tips

  1. pedestrian crosswalk Of course, look left, right, and left again before crossing.
  2. Before crossing, make sure to look the closest driver in the eyes (this will let you know if the driver is paying attention and is aware of your crossing).
  3. Always walk on the sidewalk. Every chance you get make sure to walk in the opposite direction of traffic closest to you.
  4. Parents: never let your child under ten cross the street alone.
  5. Make your presence known. Wear colorful shirts, try to pay attention to the traffic, and look at the driver closest to you before crossing. And don’t fool around in a crosswalk.

Involved In a Pedestrian Accident?

pedestrian accidentAccidents involving a motor vehicle striking a pedestrian can occur under a myriad of circumstances – in a crosswalk, not in a crosswalk, at a traffic light, at a stop or yield sign, in a parking lot, in driveway exits, or on private property. The injuries can often be severe and life changing.

If you do happen to get into a pedestrian accident please CALL 911 ASAP and…

  • Exchange information with the driver.
  • Call (888) 551.1070 and we will take care of the rest!

We are a Personal Injury Law Firm so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you happen to get into any personal injury situation! 1-888-551-1070

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    Hashemi Law Group
    401 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
    Santa Monica, CA 90401

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