How to Pick the Best Car Accident Lawyer

If you live in Southern California, the odds are very good that you will be involved in a car accident.

In a perfect world, the driver, who hit you, would pay for all the damages to your car and your body.

Unfortunately, that is rarely the case.

In the real world, while you’re getting medical care and having your car towed, the driver at fault has already notified their insurance company of the car accident.

Keep in mind that the driver’s insurance company does not have your best interests at heart. Every insurance company has adjustors, investigators and attorneys whose job is to limit the amount of money paid to you.

You might think that your insurance company will step up and defend you. Don’t count on it. Most likely, you will be on your own, unless you get an experienced car accident attorney.

A trained professional can guide you through the legal system and make sure that you get the money that you are entitled to for your personal injuries and car damages.

You are also entitled to payment for time missed at work, the cost of transportation to and from the doctor, physical therapy and any other expenses that are caused and or incurred from being in the collision.

The other driver’s insurance company does not want to pay the full amount of money that you are entitled to, so never take an offer until you have spoken to a qualified auto accident lawyer.

How do you know which car accident lawyer to choose? Here are some tips:

Select one who does not charge you upfront. Almost all professions work a contingency fee, which means that he or she gets paid after you get paid by the other driver’s insurance company.

Pick someone who promptly returns your phone calls. You don’t want to be put on the back burner and ignored by the person who is supposed to be fighting for you.

Pick a car crash accident lawyer who is ethical. Sadly, not all are ethical, so it’s important to hire someone who is transparent and tells you the truth up front.

Hashemi Law Group is dedicated to fighting for you.

Majid Hashemi is an experienced Santa Monica car accident attorney who is dedicated to taking on the big insurance companies so that you can obtain the maximum compensation that you are entitled to.

Majid Hashemi focuses on personal injury cases, works on a contingency basis, returns calls and is always professional and courteous.

The big insurance companies have lawyers fighting for them, so level the playing field and get an experienced Santa Monica car accident attorney on your side today.

If you, or someone you know, has been in a car accident, please call 1-888-551-1070 or email [email protected] today for a free, no obligation consultation.

Remember the law only allows a certain amount of time for you to file a claim, so do it today and call 1-888-551-1070 or email [email protected]

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    Hashemi Law Group
    401 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
    Santa Monica, CA 90401

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